The website accessible at the address, is published by:
SAS AudioPrim
178, rue de Vineuil
77410 Saint Mesmes
RCS Ville Meaux: 792 326 928
VAT number: FR792326928
NAF code: 2640Z
Share capital: 747,000 Euros
Phone: 01 60 54 36 42
Director of Publication
The Director of Publication for the website is Hervé Brasebin.
Hosting Provider
CP 70161 Québec STN Québec-Centre,
G2K 0A2
Québec, Québec
Intellectual Property
In general, the data, programs, music samples, texts, information, logos, visual identities, animated or non-animated images and their layouts, videos appearing on this website are the property of the Publisher and are protected as such by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.
Every Internet user undertakes to use them only within the strict framework offered by this site. However, it should be noted that some of the photos used on this website are sourced from external platforms such as Unsplash ( and iStock ( These photos have been legally obtained and their usage rights have been duly respected.